Sunday, July 24, 2011

Managing Symptoms of Unmet Needs-Part 1-Physical Discomfort

The relationship between our minds and bodies must be taken into consideration when working toward the fulfillment of our needs.  Our bodies can ‘speak’ to us in many ways.  When our lives become unbalanced and our needs are not being addressed, some of us may experience headaches/migraines, back pain, digestive problems, hives, even mouth pain in our jaws or teeth.
There are ways to increase our ability to be ‘in tune’ with our body and to hear what it has to ‘say’:
DEEP BREATHING- Breathing is one of those bodily functions we can perform without thought, however, being aware of and focusing on our breath can be beneficial, both physically and mentally.
This technique can be done either sitting or lying flat. Close your eyes and place both palms on your diaphragm, the space between your stomach and chest.  Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in, extend/push out your diaphragm, feeling the expansion with your palms. Hold for 3 seconds, then exhale slowly as if you are blowing through a straw. Listen to your breath as you release it, and notice your diaphragm contract. Repeat as many times as you are able or until the body relaxes and your mind is clear.
PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION- This technique can be done either sitting or lying flat on your back. Start at the feet and work your way up. The basic concept is to tense each muscle group, hold for several seconds, then release the tension. 
Let’s use your hands as an example. Take your right hand and squeeze it as tightly as you can into a fist. Hold for the count of five, then slowly open your hand. Repeat this with the other hand. For maximum benefit, when you tense, inhale deeply (see deep breathing) and hold your breath for the count, then as you release the muscle, exhale. Continue with each part of your body, alternating between the left and right sides. 
When trying these techniques, be gentle with yourself.  Pressuring oneself to ‘get it right’ or to experience a specific outcome is often counterproductive.  The goal is to relax the body, refocus the mind, and be in the present moment. 
This can be extremely challenging if our minds are filled with thoughts about past experiences and ‘what if’ scenarios about the future.
The next chapter will explore obsessive thoughts and healthy ways to manage their impact on us.

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