So far this blog has offered practical tools, insights, and encouragement to get unstuck in our relationships. Some of us may be asking or have asked the question- “WHY has it been difficult to maintain healthy relationships and to take care of my own needs?” There comes a point in our journey toward fulfillment when we desire/need to know the source of our struggle.
In the next few weeks, we will explore the following:
- Unhealthy family ‘scripts’
- Limited Parenting Skills
- Fear of Abandonment
Every person and every situation is unique and complex. With that in mind, I recognize it is not possible to explore in detail all of the factors contributing to our difficulty in relationships, however, there may be some shared experiences among us. My goal is to touch the surface of these experiences. To truly understand our own emotional ‘blocks’ that keep us stuck, it is most helpful to seek assistance from a caring and knowledgeable professional.
Next week, we will explore ‘scripts’ communicated in our family system which foster feelings of resentment and guilt.